

          主演:夏洛特·菲奇  麥斯·米科爾森  拉爾斯·博格曼  沃格·桑多  Erik Weders?e  Trine Pallesen  Lars Bom  Michael Falch  

          導演:涅爾斯·阿登·歐普勒夫  Peter Flinth  J?rn Faurschou  夏洛特·西林  

          類型:歐美劇其它2023-08-31 20:01:03




          When a female police commissioner who has ambitions on behalf of her gender selects detective Ingrid Dahl as the new head of a Danish police travel unit, it does not come without problems for the young detective. She struggles to unite career and family, and she has to establish a cooperation with a team of detectives including the man who had expected to take her job. However, the initial uncertainty soon turns to trust and even friendship, and the team proves its worth investigating the nation's most vicious cases of murder and violent crime. (Written by Peter Brandt Nielsen)


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