

主演:Laura Birn  Mari Rantasila  Eero Aho  Teijo Eloranta  

導演:Petri Kotwica  

類型:劇情片其它2023-04-27 09:01:31




Kiia and Lauri are speeding down a dark country road, anxious to reach the hospital because Kiia has gone into premature labour. Their car hits something. Lauri goes to take a look, and tells his wife he saw nothing. They rush to the hospital, and Kiia gives birth to a healthy baby boy. While in the hospital, Kiia meets Hanna, a woman whose husband is in a coma, the victim of a hit-and-run driver. Kiia befriends Hanna and tries to help her desperately without revealing her role in the accident. When the truth finally dawns, will it be too late to forgive?


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