





本片以上世紀六十年代的本地家庭為主軸,通過成員的際遇,帶出早期的甘榜生活以及后來的組屋生活,劇情橫跨數十年。  電影也將體現新加坡如何從一個以方言為主流語言的社會演變成華語到現今英語的過程,從中回顧流失的方言。它也會融入導演的許多親身經歷,并將安插多首懷舊歌曲。  After the 1969 nationwide floods, Zhao Di takes over her father\'s family farm with the help of reformed gangster Ah Long. As Singapore\'s economy prospers, the Singaporean mindset is also forced to change with the times. Osman catches his teenage son, Ahmad practicing with his rock band. As a conservative man, Osman believes rock music will have a negative influence on Ahmad. Father and son argue over their different opinions, causing Ahmad to run away. Meanwhile, Ah Hee and Rani decide to get married. But their traditional parents disapprove of their marriage. In 1977, the Government begins expropriating land for redevelopment, forcing villagers from their kampongs. Licensed farmland owners, such as Zhao Di, are financially compensated for their land. Ah Kun, Zhao Di\'s greedy brother accuses Zhao Di and Ah Long of having an affair to tarnish her name in front of the family. In the midst of Ah Kun\'s persistent accusations, Zhao Di\'s health takes a hit. Will Zhao Di be able to keep her hard-earned compensation money? What will become of her family if Zhao Di\'s health continues to deteriorate? As people change with time, will the kampong spirit remain?

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